Octagon Crosstab


The Best RAJAR Analysis Product

Octagon Crosstab is a really powerful tool which helps you to analyse your RAJAR data. Powerful and flexible yet very straight forward to use. All of your RAJAR dairy data is at your finger tips so you can really understand what is happening with regards to the radio listening in your TSA(S). Over 10 years’ worth of RAJAR data is there so you can follow the shifts and trends of not only your listeners but those of your competitors too. Nor do you need to be a research expert to understand the tables and charts which Octagon Crosstab generates for you about your listeners listening.

A Wizard to Guide You Through

Few of us come to any new piece of software without a few moments of trepidation when we first open it up. What you want is to find answers to your RAJAR data questions quickly and simply. That’s why there is a Wizard to guide you through and get you to the charts or data tables you are looking for.


And because it is on the Cloud it is always up to data with no downloading of software or the latest data. All you need is a web browser, your own secure password and off you go.

Would You Like A Demonstration? Please contact John Shorter john@hallettarendt.co.uk